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The City of Shapes was created in the SketchUp program using geometric shapes. The construction process began with drawing rows of square foundations on the ground, separated by roads in between. Next, each square could be stretched upward to make a three-dimensional box that would serve as the base for a building. Finally, the squares could be modified differently to create each building by either adding or removing segments from the previous box shape.

Using AutoCAD, I made a representation of the game Galaga. I used the snap and grid settings to draw the shapes, then used the hatch setting to color them.

This mini golf course was made using the AutoCAD application. I used the line and circle drawing tools, the object snap setting, the snap and grid settings, the offset command, the trim and extend tools, text, and gradients and hatches to create this project.

I created this checkerboard in AutoCAD mainly using the array command and the hatch setting. The checkerboard was made using an array with 6 rows and 7 columns. The circle checkerboard pieces were made mostly using the offset command with a circle, but the array setting was also needed to make the small lines pointing outward on the outside of each piece.

This three-dimensional mini golf course was constructed using SketchUp. I modeled it after the two-dimensional design created previously in AutoCAD. It was made using lines, circles, the push/pull tool, the offset tool, several materials for things such as the grass, brick, and stone, and the 3D Warehouse for the trees and bushes.

This 3D beach house was created using SketchUp. It was designed after an east coast style beach house. I drew most of this house using straight lines, copy and paste, and the rotation tool. The whole structure is risen 9 feet off the ground with beams to protect it from flooding that could occur during a hurricane.

Graphing Shapes Fall 2017

Beach House Fall 2017

Mini Golf (3D) Fall 2017

Checkers Fall 2017

Mini Golf Fall 2017

Galaga Fall 2017

Snap and Grid Fall 2017

Using the AutoCAD application, I drew the alphabet and the numbers 0 through 9 using the line command. To help me draw the characters in perfectly straight lines and equal spaces, I utilized the Grid and Snap functions. I also learned how to change the properties of an object using the properties tool palette. After drawing the alphabet and numbers, I copied and pasted the letters needed and moved them to spell out my name and birth date.

City of Shapes Fall 2017

Tetris Fall 2017

R2D2 Fall 2017

Restaurant Winter 2017

Building Information Modeling (BIM) Winter 2017

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