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I am Christian Staresina and I am from Raleigh, North Carolina. My parents, Steve and Aletha Staresina, were originally from the state of Ohio, but they eventually moved to Holly Springs, NC before my older sister and I were born. My sister, Kyra Staresina, was born in Holly Springs in 1999 and soon after moved with my parents to Raleigh where I was born in 2001. She is two years older than I am and just graduated from Heritage High School in Wake Forest, NC, which is where I am at school currently as a junior. I play two sports there in high school, varsity football and baseball. I have played football since 8th grade when I attended West Millbrook Middle School in Raleigh, and I have been playing baseball ever since I was little, starting with tee-ball. My primary position in football is wide receiver and in baseball it is center field because I can run fast. Besides sports, I also like to ride my bike through wooded trails near my house or play video games on my Xbox One. My future plan is to become either a computer or electrical engineer and play a sport in college. I have already taken some classes in high school to help me prepare for my career, including computer programming and computer engineering. I would like to go to North Carolina State University since it is close to home, but my main focus is to just go to a school that offers engineering courses.


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